Table of Contents
1. ABR Recap
2. Pinterest
3. Toy Drive Video
Who We Are
The Support Center
for Child Advocates
provides legal and social
services to our most
vulnerable children.
It is our mission to
advocate for victims of
child abuse and neglect in
Philadelphia with the goal
of securing a permanent,
nurturing environment
for every child.

Donor Choice #535 |
Our Board
of Directors
Katayun Jaffari
Katherine Kelton
Vice President
Sherri Krensel
Mark Gittelman
PNC Bank
Deborah Baird

Support Center for Child Advocates Honors Philanthropist Mark Solomon with the
2013 Judge Lois G. Forer Child Advocacy Award
On April 10, 2013, the Support Center for Child Advocates (
Child Advocates) will celebrate 36 years as the nation's leading pro bono legal and social service advocacy organization serving abused and neglected children at our Annual Benefit Reception & Auction held at the famed Crystal Tea Room (Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia).
This year we honor Mark Solomon with the 2013 Judge Lois G. Forer Child Advocacy Award for his dedication to providing high quality education for children in the foster care system and his unwavering support of youth at risk. From his deep involvement with the Gesu School, Girard College, Arise Academy Charter School, ESF Dream Camp Foundation and Save A Mind Foundation in the Philadelphia region to Yemin Orde Youth Village in Israel, Mark has ensured that thousands of children throughout the world have a chance to get ahead.
In addition to honoring Mark Solomon,Child Advocates will celebrate the extraordinary efforts of the following individuals who are changing the story for children by recognizing them with the Distinguished Advocates Award: Michael E. Adler (Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby LLP), Andrea R. Broad (Big Brothers Big Sisters of America), Bruce Lev (LevLane), Lawrence H. Pockers (Duane Morris LLP), Carrie B. Rosen (Cozen O'Connor), Michael and Bill Rouse (ESF Camps and ESF Dream Camp Foundation), Heather A. Steinmiller (Conner Strong & Buckelew Companies, Inc.) and Nancy Anne Walker (Walker Law Offices, P.C.).
For more information on tickets and sponsorship opportunities visit HERE or contact Cate Galbally at 267-546-9216. A portion of the proceeds will also benefit Arise Academy Charter School.
Relaunch of Pinterest Site!
Child Advocates is thrilled to announce the relaunch of our Pinterest account! Pinterest is a virtual pin board where you can share favorite images and videos found around the web, and make a virtual scrapbook or vision board to share with friends and other Pinterest users.
On our site, you can see some of the many amazing wishes
Child Advocates granted last year under our "35 Wishes, Celebrating 35 Years of Advocacy Board". Under our "Crafts for Kids" board, we pinned tons of wonderful activities for children to engage in.
Under our "Annual Benefit and Reception - Auction Items 2013" Board we are going to post some of the fabulous auction items we are receiving for the upcoming ABR! Check out HERE for a sneak peak of some of the ultimate experience trips and amazing items we are getting in daily!
Visit our revamped Pinterest boards HERE and start repinning today!
Click play to enjoy this highlight reel of our 2012 Toy Drive! Thanks again to everyone that participated, it was an incredible day that brought smiles to hundreds of our clients.
Meet The Advocate: Barry Kassel
Senior Staff Attorney Barry Kassel joined the Child Advocates team six years ago. He most enjoys the comradery he shares working with his colleagues. "It's an extraordinarily supportive staff and interacting with other staff members is always something I look forward to each day." Barry is passionate about his work with his child clients, advocating for them in court and meeting them on home visits. This lets him talk with the kids and better understand their needs and how to best represent their interests.
A recent and interesting case of Barry's was a "Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Case" (SIJS). The case came to Child Advocates, when "Maria," 16 year-old honor student, was being abused by her caregiver, and had been placed in foster care. A non-US citizen, she originally emigrated from Latin America with her father when she was very young. Sadly, her father was subsequently killed and she went to live with the abusive caregiver. She was not aware of her citizenship issues until she needed a social security number to apply to college.
With the help of Child Advocates, our client continued to excel in school while participating in programs to help her gain necessary educational and independent living skills. Barry worked with Maria to assure her eligibility so that she could become a Legal Permanent Resident. She remained in the child welfare system until she turned 21 when Maria started college, carrying a 3.9 average. She has told Barry that she hopes to attend medical school.
Barry admits his work is never simple, "In this line of work you're a half step away from failure and one step away from big success. The challenge is how quickly things can change. That's also the fun of this job."
Barry's favorite Philadelphia sports team is the Eagles, with the Phillies a close second. When asked what famous person he'd like to have lunch with, dead or alive, he immediately blurted out Ryan Gosling then recanted and changed his answer to Bill Clinton.
We at Child Advocates feel lucky to have Barry as a member of our staff to help change the story for clients like Maria. Thanks, Barry!
Our Appreciation
Thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. Stay connected on regular basis by checking out our social media (just click any of the buttons below!) Like us, follow us, and feel free to direct any questions or feedback to Tracy Buchholz. Thanks again for helping us change the story!
-The Child Advocates Team