From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: A New Year, A New Chance to Change the Story
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 January 2012



Who We Are

The Support Center for Child Advocates provides legal and social services to our most vulnerable children. It is our mission to advocate for victims of child abuse and neglect in Philadelphia with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for every child.











 Community ConnectionCommunity

Learn about our friends


Sapphire Fund


On the weekend of January 27th, 28th and 29th, Philadelphia's Sapphire Fund will present Sapphire Weekend, a weekend of events to raise money for the Philadelphia region's LGBT charitable organizations. 


Sapphire Weekend will feature three signature events, beginning with the Sapphire Ball on Saturday,

January 28th in the magnificent Franklin Monument at the Franklin Institute. Buy tickets today!


The weekend will also feature Sapphire Weekend's Sunday Brunch, taking place at the Pyramid Club, with

stunning panoramic views of the city (the venue is located on the 52nd floor of Penn Center).


Kicking the weekend off, the Winter Wonderland Ball is presented by Stimulus and takes place on Friday,

January 27th at Voyeur Nightclub. The night promises a red carpet, live entertainment and djs, and is a

semi-formal event. Tickets for the Winter Wonderland Ball are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

Visit the Sapphire Fund's website to learn more, like this organization on Facebook or follow them on Twitter




 Upcoming TrainingsTrainings  



Child Advocates' strength lies in our talented and compassionate volunteer attorneys. We team each volunteer attorney with a masters level social worker, supported by our consulting staff attorneys, to ensure that our child client receives the finest legal and social services available.



"How to Handle A Child Abuse Case" - Volunteer Attorney Training: March 15, 2011



















In The News

Check out our recent press 
















Our Board of Directors 



Katayun Jaffari


Saul Ewing


Katherine M. Kelton

Vice President



Sherri Krensel


Workplace Environments


Mark A. Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

Eckert, Seamans, Cherin and Mellott

Deborah Cohen
Pepper Hamilton LLP


Jill F. Colton


Victoria Demo



Joe DeSimone

Marcum LLP


Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen T. Egan

Radian Guaranty


Amy A. Fox

RAF Industries, Inc.


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Bruce Lev



Janie S. Mershon

Attorney at Law


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome LLP


Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger & Johnsrud


Audrey C. Talley

Drinker Biddle & Reath


Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group


































































Read Our Stories 


Happy Anniversary

Bi-Annual Report

Thanking Our Funders

Events: The 2012 Bar Run
Meet the Advocates

Community Connection

Upcoming Trainings 

Help Change the Story

Happy Anniversary! HappyAnniversary  


2012 marks the 35th Anniversary of Child Advocates! Throughout the year we will be celebrating this milestone, and we want you to be a part of it!


Join us this spring for our Annual Benefit Reception at the Crystal Tea Room in the Wanamaker Building.


We'll have more details shortly on our website.

Bi-Annual ReportAnnualReport

Click on the cover below to view our Bi-Annual Report 


ThankingFundersThanking Our Funders


Child Advocates is grateful to all our funders. Without the extraordinary support of regional and national foundations, we would not be able to provide the highest quality direct services to our kids through special projects like our Medically Needy Project and our Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered and Questioning ("LGBTQ") Youth Project.
Through the LGBTQ Youth Project, Child Advocates seeks to remedy the disenfranchisement of the LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system. We provide access to justice, representation, safety and hope to youth of all ages who are in the Philadelphia dependency system and who are marginalized due to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. 
With the Sapphire Ball a few days away, we are thrilled to thank Sapphire Fund for a generous $10,000 grant for our LGBTQ Youth Project and share their the news about their amazing upcoming Sapphire Weekend!


We are the proud beneficiaries of this year's Sapphire Ball along with the National Adoption Center. Please join us at the ball on Saturday, January 28th. See the sidebar about Sapphire Fund for details.


Sapphire Fund was established in 2002 to support the efforts of organizations contributing to the health and well-being of Philadelphia's LGBTQ community and those who support them. Sapphire Fund is a volunteer organization, conceived and run by members and supporters of the Philadelphia LGBTQ community.


We would also like to thank The Philadelphia Foundation, The Clayman Family Foundation, The November Fund, Women's Way, and First Hospital Foundation for their amazing generosity and faith in our mission!


Golf The 2012 Bar Run 

 Mark Your Calendars!

On Sunday, May 20, 2012 the Philadelphia Bar Association will host the 32rd Annual 5K Run/Walk to benefit Child Advocates. More than 1,500 Bar Association members and local runners and walkers are expected to converge on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive at 8:30 am for the 3.1. mile race, an open walk and the Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Kids' Dash. Radio station B101 will provide music, face painting and activities for all ages.


Hundreds of Philadelphia students from the Students Run Philly Style organization also participate in the race which supports Child Advocates continued efforts to serve and advocate for nearly 900 children annually.


Stay tuned for more details about our amazing race!

AdvocateMeet The Advocates
Read about the amazing folks who serve our kids 


Katayun Jaffari


Child Advocates Board President

Katayun I. Jaffari will be honored as Committee Chair of the Year for the Philadelphia Bar Association's Business Law Section at its annual reception on February 6, 2012.



Kathy has served as Chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association Business Law Section's Small Business Committee since the beginning of 2011, and is a partner in the Business and Finance Practice at Saul Ewing LLP.


Read on to see Saul Ewing's full press release about Ms. Jaffari and her award!


Kathy has been involved with Child Advocates for years, and is loved by the staff and the clients she works with.


Lawrence Beaser



Lawrence J. Beaser will be also be presented with the Section's Dennis H. Replansky Memorial Award at the Philadelphia Bar Association's Business Law Section's annual reception.


Larry is a partner at Blank Rome LLP, a former Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association, and currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia Foundation.


The Section established the award in recognition of Replansky's career as a lawyer and his contributions to legal, civic, religious and other charitable causes. 


Larry has been a generous supporter and trusted adviser of Child Advocates over the years, and is a major proponent of social and legal services throughout the city.


Buy tickets to the Reception here!











HelpUsHelp Us Change The Story


You don't have to be a major donor to have a major impact. Donate today!


united way 

Don't Forget:

If you donate through

United Way, we are 



And every month we'll suggest different ways for you to help children and Child Advocates.  


Help us start the year off right!


This month, consider writing a review about Child Advocates on a fundraising or nonprofit website. The more people learn about our work and the positive experiences we give our volunteers and supporters, the more help we receive to change the story.

GuideStar, Great Nonprofits, and other websites are a great way to help us spread the word.







Thanks For Reading

We'd like to thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please, let us know what you think! Feedback, questions and story suggestions can be directed to Liz Wagner at Don't forget to check out our website, Facebook Page, LinkedIn Group and Twitter!

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The Child Advocates Team

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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103