From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: Child Advocates January Newsletter

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the National Day of Service,
Child Advocates 
would like to thank everyone who has contributed their time, efforts and donations to help change the story for children in Philadelphia.



ABR Banner




for his dedication to providing high quality education for children in the foster care system and 
his unwavering support of children at risk throughout the world. 

Join us for food and cocktails at the glamorous Crystal Tea Room.  More than 1000 people are expected to attend this highly anticipated night which includes an exciting live and silent auction and a moving awards ceremony.

Watch all the fun from last year by checking out this Highlight Reel!


For sponsorship information, please contact Cate Galbally.

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn


Table of Contents


1.  Save the Date


2.  Making Wishes Come True


3.   Online End of Year Giving



5.  Meet the Advocate

Who We Are


The Support Center

for Child Advocates

provides legal and social

services to our most

vulnerable children.

It is our mission to

advocate for victims of

child abuse and neglect in

Philadelphia with the goal

of securing a permanent,

nurturing environment

for every child.


united way

Donor Choice #535

In The News 


Recent Press: 

1/15    Op-ed: Lack of Statewide Strategy Hampers Child Protection


12/27 You Can Help A Kid





Our Board

of Directors


Katayun Jaffari



 Katherine Kelton

Vice President


 Sherri Krensel



 Mark Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

 Eckert Seamans

Deborah Cohen



Victoria Demo


Joe DeSimone


Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen Egan


Amy Fox


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Janie Mershon


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome


Edward Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David Silverman

Curley, Hessinger

& Johnsrud


Joe Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group





 chamber non profit














Many thanks to Alexander Stadler for giving us our "birthday girl."  For more information on Stadler, please visit his site HERE.


35 Wishes Program

One of our favorite initiatives in 2012 was our 35 Wishes program. The goal was to grant the wishes of 35 of our child clients throughout the year to celebrate our 35 years of service.  
With your support we granted over 35 wishes including karate lessons, horseback riding lessons, tickets to an Eagles game, Philadelphia Zoo, the Please Touch Museum, and more.

Thank you for bringing joy into the lives of so many children.
endofyearOnline End Of Year Giving A Big Hit!   


We asked and you gave! We know you heard from us a lot during the final days of 2012 - we are thrilled with the response.


Just during the month of December we raised almost $19,000 through online contributions.  That's $7,000 more than during December 2011. Most of those givers were made in the final week of the year -- $13,000 between December 26th and December 31st!  


Thank you to everyone who helped give us a push as we headed into a new year!  But remember, we still need your support in 2013 - click below!



Child Advocates Annual Toy Drive


The Support Center for Child Advocates would like to thank all of our staff and volunteers for their help in making this our best Toy Drive ever! This year we delivered presents to over 1000 children in and around Philadelphia. We couldn't have done it without your help.


We hope to see you next year!


Toy Drive 2

 Dec. 22nd @ 8 a.m. Delivery Day.
Volunteers and staff loading and delivering toys outside our offices!


Check out more photos in our Facebook Album. Don't forget to like us
on Facebook for more updates on events and how you can help a child in need.

advocate Meet The Advocate: Chris Kenty


"That which is measured improves." - Pearson's Law


Chris Kenty

Dr. M. Christine Kenty (Chris to her friends) has been with Child Advocates for 30 years. She began as an evaluation consultant reviewing grants and working with client databases, ultimately accepting the position she currently holds, Director of Research and Evaluation. Chris' love of children and the mission of Child Advocates first attracted her to the organization, and has kept her here, working to improve the lives of our children.

"In this type of work you must remain optimistic that things will get better. A single person can have a positive effect on a child. Here at Child Advocates we believe every child is important and deserves the best service possible."


As part of the Administrative Team, Chris structures and maintains client and programmatic data systems and program evaluations to inform best practices and to meet funders' data requirements. "A big part of my job has to do with collaborating with other staff members at Child Advocates to provide them with the necessary information for grant reports and proposals."

Chris helps to tell the story of our work, as well as improve the practice of representing children in need.  By analyzing the data and measuring outcomes, she can highlight our successes as well as indicate areas in need of improvement.  "People want to know what we're doing and we have the numbers to show them."

Chris has been instrumental in designing and launching our Customer Relationship Management system (CRM), a new program that manages all relationships with current and future clients. This new database will allow the case handlers to capture detailed information about our clients and our work which Chris can then evaluate to ensure we are meeting the high standards of service for each child.

With years of experience in our work, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge that improves the ways we work with our child clients.  Thank you, Chris!

Upcoming Events!events2012


Click the links for more information!


April 10th, 2013: 2013 Annual Benefit Reception and Auction


April 11th, 2013: "How To Handle A Child Abuse Case" CLE Volunteer Training


May 19th, 2013: 2013 Philadelphia Bar Association 5K Run/Walk



Our Appreciation


Thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. Stay connected on regular basis by checking out our social media (just click any of the buttons below!) Like us, follow us, and feel free to direct any questions  or feedback to Tracy Buchholz. Thanks again for helping us change the story!

-The Child Advocates Team


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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103