From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: Child Advocates June Newsletter


June 25, 2012

 Who We Are


The Support Center

for Child Advocates provides legal and social services to our most vulnerable children.

It is our mission to advocate for victims of child abuse and neglect in Philadelphia with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for

every child.



united way

 Donor Choice #535


Community Connection


Learn about

our friends


Cleantech Alliance Mid-Atlantic, or

CAMA, aims to connect,

support, and grow clean

and alternative energy

technology business
opportunities in the

mid-Atlantic region.


It was founded in 2008

as a way for

professionals in this

field to meet,

share information, and

advance opportunities

with like-minded

investors, inventors, scientists, entrepreneurs

and policy makers,

among others.


Since 2009, CAMA has

held multiple investor

and social networking

events in local

Philadelphia, Villanova,

Huntingdon Valley,

and Wilmington.


Last year, CAMA

hosted a Cleantech

panel discussion at the

2011 Child Advocates

Golf Classic. We look

forward to working

with them again

on October 1, 2012

at the 7th Annual

Child Advocate

Golf Classic. 

In The News


Check out our

recent press


5/25/12 The Legal Intelligencer

Record Number of Finishers in 2012 Bar Association 5K  


6/4/2012 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Revised Court Rules Protect Juveniles  


6/7/2012 Jewish Exponent

Stars of David column by Michael Elkin 


6/13/12 Diane Rehm Show on NPR

"Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse And Helping Victims Recover"


 Our Board of Directors 


Katayun Jaffari


Ballard Spahr


Katherine M. Kelton

Vice President



Sherri Krensel


Workplace Environments


Mark A. Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

Eckert Seamans

Deborah Cohen
Pepper Hamilton


Jill F. Colton


Victoria Demo

RBS Citizens


Joe DeSimone



Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen T. Egan

Radian Guaranty


Amy A. Fox

RAF Industries, Inc.


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Bruce Lev



Janie S. Mershon

Lyons Dougherty


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome


Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger & Johnsrud


Audrey C. Talley


Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group

























Table of Contents  


Meet the Advocate - Who Loves Ya? Bruce Lev

Our Fiscal Year Ends June 30th

Thanks to our Funders - PCCD

Staff in Action - Milagros Roca 

Upcoming Events - Golf Classic

Social Media & Our Appreciation


Who Loves Ya? Bruce Lev


Bruce Lev 



Bruce joined our Board of Directors 6 years ago, when he first sat on the Public Relations and Communications Committee, leading our branding campaign.  With Bruce, the LevLane leadership team of Lori Miller, Drake Newkirk, Jerry Selber and Scott Tartar, worked to help us better connect with the Philadelphia community through the way in which we present our work.


Bruce and his staff, including current account manager Cortney Boothman, have made many notable contributions to Child Advocates.  Bruce and LevLane re-branded us in 2006.  The now familiar logo symbolizing our kids' unbalanced lives and the moving tagline "Change the story" have  been a hallmark of our communication strategy.  Through mostly pro bono service, Bruce and his team have been responsible for a constant creative flow of images including the new "girl on a ball", representing the balance we bring to our kids' lives.


"Bruce elevated our public profile, which is most important because it advances our work," said Executive Director Frank Cervone.  "It brings attention to the kids, their needs, and our efforts to help."


Bruce's campaigns often bring a company's goals to light.  Some of his prominent clients in Philadelphia include Beneficial Bank, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, and KFC.  Additionally, he has worked with non-profit organizations such as the American Red Cross and Big Brothers Big Sisters SEPA. 


Bruce and LevLane embrace a "who loves ya?" philosophy: their clients are known to have strong connections with the public, which is not a coincidence.  Their style of branding encourages companies to befriend their customers and their advocates alike.


The energy and vision Bruce has brought to Child Advocates through the years will be missed as we bid him farewell from the Board, though we look forward to years of continued work together. 


Our Fiscal Year Ends June 30th

Help Us Celebrate 35 Years of Service!


For 35 years, we have provided crucial advocacy for children who have been abused, neglected and forgotten. More than 800 children a year receive the highest quality legal representation and compassionate social services care, thanks to the many hours of donated services by more than 320 wonderful Volunteer Attorneys, supported by our experienced Child Advocate Social Workers and Staff Attorneys.


With total agency costs exceeding $2.3 million, you make this work possible!


We close our fiscal year on June 30, 2012 and we need your help to meet our budget goals so we can continue to give children the specialized attention that they each deserve - a voice, an advocate, a support system, a safe home. You can help - every gift makes a difference. YOU change the story!




Click the button to donate online

Mail a check to: Support Center for Child Advocates

                             1900 Cherry Street, Philadelphia PA 19103

Call Moira Mulroney at (267) 546-9208 to donate by phone




Thanks to our Funders  

Announcing a PCCD Grant 

and our Center for Excellence in Advocacy!


We're delighted to announce a wonderful new initiative that we are developing - our Center for Excellence in Advocacy (CEA).  Thanks to a two-year grant from Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), we are able to secure a consultant to launch CEA and eventually hire additional staff to lead the effort. Through the generous grant of $200,000 over 2 years, we are realizing a longstanding dream of becoming a regional training center for advocates throughout the state, thus helping improve the lives of all children and youth in Pennsylvania's system of care. We are both honored and excited to take on this challenge. Our thanks go out to PCCD for their confidence in us and their generosity!   


Staff in Action 

Mili Roca leads LGBTQ project


Child Advocates provides free legal and social services to more than 800 children and youth.  Of those clients, thirty have received the special attention to their individual needs through our Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth Project, led by Milagros Roca (Mili), a staff social worker. 


Mili joined Child Advocates in February of 2011 where she teams with volunteer attorneys in representing clients to ensure appropriate social services and a safe living environment.  Through her work she provides case consultation and support to her colleagues, and training for child welfare professionals to improve their practice with LGBTQ youth.  In May, Mili was selected by the Daniel Memorial Institute to speak at the 19th Annual "Footsteps to the Future 2012" Conference in Orlando, Florida. Her presentation was titled "Best Practices with LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care" and addressed unique issues and challenges faced by LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system.  Mili sees a lack of training in this area and a need for sensitivity toward these children.  Often, the needs of the children are not met by their caregivers and as a result, the rate of runaways and removals from foster homes are on the rise. Forty percent of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ.


Mili's mission is to make the child welfare system more aware that these youth exist and that they have unique needs. In response to the need for better training for care givers, Mili has collaborated with the Bryson Institute of The Attic Youth Center, an organization that works to promote diversity and inclusion to make LGBTQ youth feel more comfortable.  She is also currently working with the Department of Human Services as they update their LGBTQ online resources. She has recently reached out to PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), a nonprofit organization for family members of the LGBTQ community, to see where our organizations can partner together to best serve these youth.


Mili's work with the Child Advocates LGBTQ Youth Project is generously supported by individual donors and private foundations, including the Carpenter Foundation, the Samuel S. Fels Fund, the Thomas Skelton Harrison Foundation,the Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation, and Women's Way.



Upcoming Events



The 7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic


Golf Logo - not link


Join us on October 1st for the 7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic.  Bring colleagues and clients to enjoy a day of golf and help us raise much-needed funds for our Project for Medically Needy Children.


Last year we raised more than $ 112,000 to support our work with chronically ill and severely abused children.


Golf Cart 2 


We are currently looking for volunteers to be on our Golf Committee.  If you're a golfer, or if you want to change the story for our kids, we need you!  


For information about Sponsorships or volunteering, please contact Linda Pusatere at 267-546-9216 or   


Register Today 





Social Media

Follow Us, Like Us, Tweet All About Us


 Help Child Advocates celebrate our 35th Anniversary as an agency in easy ways!


 Spread the word about Child Advocates to all your friends online! We are trying to reach 1,500 Facebook "Likes" before June 30th and 3,500 before the end of the year! We are also growing our digital community on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, so please like us, follow us, tag us, and join us on the Web, and then tell your friends! 


Like us on Facebook       Follow us on Twitter      View our profile on LinkedIn    


Our Appreciation 

We'd like to thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please let us know what you think! Feedback, questions and story suggestions can be directed to Linda Pusatere at



The Child Advocates Team


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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103