From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: April Showers Help Child Advocates Flower


March 2012

 Who We Are

The Support Center for Child Advocates provides legal and social services to our most vulnerable children. It is our mission to advocate for victims of child abuse and neglect in Philadelphia with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for every child.




united way

 Donor Choice #535





SidebarExtraHappy National Social Work Month!

As National Social Work Month comes to a close, take some time to thank any social workers in your life for their service, and remember that the social work staff at Child Advocates are working hard to change the story for our kids. 









 Community ConnectionCommunity

Learn about our friends



 Students Run Philly Style




Students Run Philly Style is the only program in Philadelphia that offers marathon training to help youth succeed in life.


Since 2004, Students Run Philly Style has served over 2500 students, ages 12-18, from neighborhoods across Philadelphia.


Through the leadership of over 200 adult mentors, called Running Leaders over 50 schools, recreation centers and community leaders will host Students Run Philly Style teams this year.


 Students train side-by-side with their mentors three days a week from March to November. Along the way, they complete eight road races, and engage in leadership and character development. 


 Students Run Philly Style partners with Child Advocates every year at our Annual Bar Association 5K Run/Walk, and we are excited to have them back again this year.


Check out Students Run Philly Style on Facebook or Twitter today!















In The News

Check out our recent press 






















Our Board of Directors 



Katayun Jaffari


Ballard Spahr


Katherine M. Kelton

Vice President



Sherri Krensel


Workplace Environments


Mark A. Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

Eckert Seamans

Deborah Cohen
Pepper Hamilton


Jill F. Colton


Victoria Demo

RBS Citizens


Joe DeSimone



Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen T. Egan

Radian Guaranty


Amy A. Fox

RAF Industries, Inc.


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Bruce Lev



Janie S. Mershon

Lyons Dougherty


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome


Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger & Johnsrud


Audrey C. Talley


Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group





























































































































Read Our Stories 



Annual Benefit Reception and Auction

National Social Work Month

Events: The 2012 Bar Run

Help Change the Story
Meet the Advocates

Community Connection



On April 18, 2012, the Support Center for Child Advocates will celebrate 35 years of leading the nation with a trailblazing model of pro bono legal and social services for abused and neglected children at our Annual Benefit Reception & Auction held at the famed Crystal Tea Room (Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia).  



Watch our Video to see the excitement of this annual party. Learn more about this incredible event on our website, and register today!




We are looking for a number of volunteers for the evening's events at the ABR! Please contact Muhammida El Muhajir at 267-546-9211 or to sign up.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank our incredible event sponsors - particularly Marguerite and H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest, who are our event's Hero sponsor.

Story Teller
Duane Morris LLP, Ajamie LLP, The E. Rhoda Shaten Charitable Foundation, The Sheares Family Charitable Foundation, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP






Miracle Worker

Lisa Heller & Harry Roth, MillCrest Law LLP, Beveridge & Diamond P.C., Dolores Miller Family Foundation, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC, Dollar Financial Group, John and Lorraine Brown, McCausland & McCausland LLC, Caddick Construction Co., Inc, Jane Greenspan, Philadelphia Eagles Football Club, Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhodes, LLP, Opa Restaurant, Elizabeth Reeves, Reilly, Janiczek & McDevitt, P.C., RT Enviormental Services, Inc., The Dispute Resolution Institute, Valley Forge Consulting Group, Inc., M. Sheldon and Jill F. Bonovitz, Gerald A. McHugh, Jr. and Maureen E. Tate, Ron Fisher/Millcrest, CCFV, Maida Milone, Tactix Real Estate Advisors, LLC, Fullam Law Firm, Martin Greitzer, Audrey Camille Talley, Amy Fox and Daniel Wheeler


 Thank you for your support!   


Our Executive Director Frank Cervone makes Spinach Ricotta Gnocchi with Bolognese Sauce for Board Member and agency friend Deborah Baird. Along with Bacchus Catering and Bob Trimble, aka "Bob the Wine Guy," Frank provided a delicious, four-course meal for 20 people as part of a Live Auction item from last year's Annual Benefit Reception and Auction. This unique offering will be available again at this year's Auction, so make sure you come out and bid. 



You don't have to be a major donor to have a major impact!


PREC Golf Outing to Benefit Child Advocates



The Philadelphia Real Estate Council (PREC), is an exclusive peer group created and designed for real estate industry leaders, offering members focused connections through the combination of vibrant live events and an online community. Child Advocates is excited to build a relationship with this nonprofit organization, raising awareness of our work within the commercial real estate industry. What a perfect fit - those who build and sell homes come together to support our mission to provide a safe home for each of our child clients.


Please consider joining PREC and Child Advocates on the links! The proceeds of this event will go to support Child Advocates and the children we serve.


There is still time to sign up for a sponsorship or a foursome!

Third Annual PREC Golf Open  At Talamore Country Club

Monday May 14th, 2012
10:30 AM Registration
11:30 AM Buffet Lunch
12:30 PM Shot Gun Start (Shamble Format)
5:30 PM Cocktails, Hors d'Ouevres, and Awards

Register today!

A huge thanks to Alexander Stadler for creating our adorable anniversary girl! Click the birthday girl above to view more of his amazing work.

Follow Us, Like Us, Tweet All About Us


 Help Child Advocates celebrate our 35th Anniversary as an agency in easy ways!


 Spread the word about Child Advocates to all your friends online! We are trying to reach 1,000 Facebook "Likes" before the ABR on April 18th, and 3,500 before the end of the year! We are also growing our digital community on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, so please like us, follow us, tag us, and join us on the Web, and then tell your friends! 


Like us on Facebook       Follow us on Twitter      View our profile on LinkedIn    


Join us as we welcome new staff AnnualReport


We welcome Linda Pusatere, to our office as Development Officer for Corporate Relations and Special Events.


Linda has spent the last (and better) part of her career in the non-profit field working for Big Brothers Big Sisters SEPA and the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, as the Weekend House Manager.   During her 12 years at Big Brothers Big Sisters SEPA she held several positions, including development & operations.  Linda lives in Cherry Hill NJ and is a self-professed travel-aholic.


 Welcome to the Child Advocates Team!



 Mark Your Calendars!

On Sunday, May 20, 2012 the Philadelphia Bar Association will host the 33rd Annual 5K Run/Walk to benefit Child Advocates. More than 1,500 Bar Association members and local runners and walkers are expected to converge on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive at 8:30 am for the 3.1. mile race, an open walk and the Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Kids' Dash. Radio station B101 will provide music, face painting and activities for all ages.


Welcomed with free entry, hundreds of Philadelphia students from the Students Run Philly Style organization also participate in the race which supports Child Advocates continued efforts to serve and advocate for nearly 900 children annually.


Visit our website for more details about our amazing race!

AdvocateMeet The Advocates
Read about the amazing folks who serve our kids 


The Child Advocates Social Workers


In honor of National Social Work Month, we'd like to share our appreciation of our stellar team of social workers who are making home visits, advocating in court and working with our volunteer and staff attorneys, DHS and other professionals throughout the city to change the story for our kids.


We have 12 incredible staff social workers and two diligent social work interns who manage caseloads of up to 60 children. They work tirelessly every day - and on a number of nights, weekends, and holidays - to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our child clients.   

This year, our Board of Directors had the opportunity to shadow members of the social work staff to see firsthand the work that goes into every case.


"Meeting with Beth Herdmann and spending just a few hours with her while she explained the process that the social workers follow in caring for their clients, I was given an opportunity to see firsthand the importance of the work and the value that the social workers bring to the families they service," said Board Member Jane Robinson. "Being a new Board Member, it was enlightening to see just how the process works and how well qualified the people are at Child Advocates."


Jane was our first Board Member to shadow, and she is and continues to be impressed with our staff's capabilities.


"The case that I shadowed had many moving parts with multiple siblings and at least three different households but Beth's command of the details for each child's needs was impressive and showed her interest and commitment in getting the best for each one of them. I was very impressed with her professionalism and deep interest for her job responsibilities," Jane said.


"Thank you Beth, and the entire staff who work tirelessly to perform your daily responsibilities."


Each social worker as a unique, amazing story to tell about his or her work with Child Advocates. Though we wish we had the time and space to share them all, we will instead leave you with a photo of our beloved staff celebrating the end of National Social Work Month with a celebratory ice cream sundae party at our last staff meeting. Thank you, social workers, for all that you do for us and our kids!

Several of our social workers pose for a photo after our staff meeting
Thanks For Reading

We'd like to thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please, let us know what you think! Feedback, questions and story suggestions can be directed to Liz Wagner at


Don't forget to visit our website, Facebook Page, LinkedIn and Twitter! And check out our debut on Pinterest!




The Child Advocates Team


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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103