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Subject: News from Support Center for Child Advocates
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Advokid Update
Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Katayun Jaffari, President

Ballard Spahr

Katherine M. Kelton,

Vice President


Sherri Krensel, Secretary

Workplace Environments

Mark A. Gittelman,


PNC Bank

Deborah Baird

Eckert Seamans

Deborah Cohen

Pepper Hamilton

Jill F. Colton 

Victoria Demo

RBS Citizens 

Joe DeSimone


Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank 

Kathleen T. Egan

Radian Guaranty

Amy A. Fox

RAF Industries, Inc. 

A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris 

Feige Grundman

Blank Rome 

Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout 

Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services

Bruce Lev


Janie S. Mershon

Lyons Dougherty 

Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome

Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University 

Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company 

Jill Porter

Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting

Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources 

Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services

Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law 

Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor 

David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger & Johnsrud

Audrey C. Talley

Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group

Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group

Leadership Council Chair: 
Honorable Jane Cutler Greenspan
JAMS Arbitration, Mediation and ADR Services


Honorable Lynne M. Abraham
Partner, Archer & Greiner

Dr. Steven M. Altschuler 

President and CEO,

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Sheldon M. Bonovitz, Esq. 

Chairman Emeritus,
Duane Morris LLP

Christopher E. Dunne, Esq. 

Harvard University

Kenneth C. Frazier, Esq. 

President & CEO, Merck & Co. 

Nancy H. Fullam, Esq. 

The Fullam Firm PC 

Dr. Richard J. Gelles, Ph.D. 

Dean, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice

Lynne Honickman 

Founder and President, The Honickman Foundation

Ron Jaworski


Leonard M. Klehr, Esq.

Vice Chairman,
Lubert-Adler Partners, LP

Susanna E. Lachs, Esq. 

Non-Profit Board Member and Volunteer

Leslie Anne Miller, Esq. 

Leslie Anne Miller, LLC

Jim Murray

President, Jim Murray Ltd.

Darroll Powe  

Philadelphia Flyers

James Redeker, Esq.

Partner, Duane Morris LLP

Honorable Michael R. Stiles 

Senior Vice President, Administration & Operations
Philadelphia Phillies

May 2012
In this issue...
A Successful Annual Benefit Reception & Auction
Second Chance Auction
Staff in Action
Upcoming Events - Bar Assoc. 5K Run/Walk
Dakota Gets Her Wish

Annual Benefit Reception & Auction

Celebrating 35 Years of Child Advocacy

 April 18, 2012

(Photo credit: George Feder.  From L to R: Executive Director Frank Cervone, Honoree Dr. Marciene Mattleman, John Forer, Board President Katayun Jaffari)   

We are still reeling from a tremendous 35th Anniversary Celebration and Evening of Child Advocacy at our Annual Benefit Reception!
It is undoubtedly our biggest night of the year and the overwhelming outpouring of love and support from nearly 1000 guests, sponsors, donors, volunteers, awardees, staff, and other advocates is incredible.  Thank you for helping us to raise over $450,000 for our work!


Our auction continues to be one of the largest charity events in the area with over 400 donated items that included dinners, art, spa and fitness packages, Philly sports tickets, Broadway shows, and exotic vacations to Costa Rica and Africa!


We introduced new technology to our auction this year with BidPal, an electronic bidding device that added a new level of excitement along with a surprise visit from mayor Michael Nutter, University of Pennsylvania marching band, Jim Beam Bourbon tasting, and 35th Anniversary cupcakes!




Many Thanks to our Wonderful Sponsors! 

Click Here for a List of 2012 Sponsors 


You weren't able to attend the event but still want to support us?


Annual Benefit Sponsor Pre-Party
April 3, 2012

(Photo credit:  George Feder.  Frank Cervone wiht hosts Harold & Lynne Honickman)


A few weeks prior to the Annual Benefit Reception & Auction, philanthropist Lynne Honickman (Child Advocates Leadership Council) and her husband Harold hosted a private cocktail party for event sponsors at the Champion level and above. 


Guests were treated to cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and the Honickman's extraordinary art and photography collection.

We extend a special 'Thank You' to the Honickmans for their gracious hospitality as well as all of our Champion, Miracle Worker, Believer, Narrator, Story Teller, and Hero sponsors who were in attendance!


 A Second Chance Auction




With hundreds of items on display, there were a few left behind. So, you're in luck! Check out our Second Chance Auction online! There are many wonderful items - restaurants, museums, fitness clubs, beauty salons, art, jewelry - all at a 10% discount. 





 Bidding will end on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 11:59 PM.

Winners will be notified by Child Advocates staff within 36 hours.



Recent Press
Frank Cervone weighs in
Community Connection

Did you see us on the streets of Philly? 

Child Advocates banners are hanging around City Hall and on Cherry Street to commemorate our 35th Anniversary and celebrate child advocacy throughout the city.


Created in 2002 in response to a civic outcry for help with activities for the city's youth during the critical unsupervised hours after school, ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships has provided after school recreational and enrichment activities to Philadelphia kids in some of the poorest and most dangerous areas of the city.

From its inception, ASAP
staff has taken a grassroots approach working with schools, community, faith-based organizations, senior centers, colleges and universities and police districts targeting areas of
the city most affected by violent crime to recruit volunteers and establish safe, stimulating after
school activities.

The Honickman Foundation and its affiliate, The Honickman Charitable Trust, are dedicated to supporting projects that promote the arts, education, health, social change and heritage.


Embodied in this commitment is a fundamental belief in the power of the 'family unit' and the necessity of a strong community in order to build a strong society.


The Honickman Foundation generously supports the work of Child Advocates.

Join our Community:

Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedInFind us on Pinterest
Staff in Action!  

Marguerite Gualtieri - 2012 Unsung Hero


Marguerite "Margie" Gualtieri, Managing Attorney of the Support Center for Child Advocates, oversees service delivery for more than 850 children each year, as well as the practice of more than 300 active volunteer attorneys and in-house legal staff. She was recognized by The Legal Intelligencer for her hard work and dedication to her community through providing pro bono representation to clients in need - our kids.  She was honored at a breakfast reception held at the Crystal Tea Room on April 13th.


Frank Cervone - Expert and Leader


Executive Director, Frank Cervone testified before the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Task Force on Child Protection hosted by University of Pennsylvania's Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice & Research.         

Read More Here


Frank also received The Philadelphia Alliance Leadership Award at the Philadelphia Alliance's Tenth Annual Conference for Direct Service Professionals.  


Social Workers - Improving Services


Social Workers Alexandra Dolan and Laurie Ayler presented at the Philadelphia Alliance Conference on "Advocating for the Mental Health Needs of Children in the Child Welfare System"


Social Worker Devon Ferguson participated in a 3-day Quality Service Review (QSR) with the Department of Human Services (DHS). The reviews are conducted by DHS each year to examine the effectiveness of service delivery on a systems level.  A small number of cases are reviewed by teams that consist of DHS employees and other stakeholders.  The results of each QSR are reviewed by DHS Commissioner Ambrose and members of her team in order to effect system-wide change.   


It's so hard to say goodbye. We wish all the best to departing staff member Liz Wagner as she pursues a future career in organic farming and to our team of dedicated interns this semester: Katie Arend (Alma College), Guesthia Jacques (Temple), Robia Smith-Herman (Bryn-Mawr College), and Jamie Weiss (Temple).


Thanks to all our Staff for everything they do to Change the Story!

Upcoming Events

The Philadelphia Bar Association 5K Run/Walk is a perfect fitness opportunity for the entire family.  Avid athletes, recreational runners, walkers, and even children participate in this annual event which attracts nearly 1500 area runners, lawyers, students, and families participate.

The race will be held on Sunday, May 20, 2012 starting at 8:30am at Martin Luther King Drive, just behind the Art Museum.  
Team Competition
Law firms and companies may enter 5K Run teams. For an application contact Michael Berkowitz at or 215-567-2010 (ext 132). Deadline for team registration is May 6. 


Click Here to Register

Invite your friends and family to sponsor you in the race. Create a PERSONAL PLEDGE PAGE in just 5 minutes when you Register online
+ click on "Become a Fundraiser".

Save the Date! October 1, 2012
7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic
For more information, contact: Linda Pusatere,
Changing the Story by Making Small Dreams Come True 

Dakota and her folks get up close with Klondike

On May 1st, Child Advocates partnered with One Special Wish, a NJ-based nonprofit dedicated to granting small wishes to deserving children and families in need, to give our former client Dakota a day she'll remember for a very long time. 


When asked what she wished for, Dakota said she liked jigsaw puzzles and wanted to go to the Zoo.  A call to our friends at the Philadelphia Zoo and it was set.  Dakota and her new parents were treated to some very special treats.  First stop, a visit to see the one of the zoo's newest animals - a baby kangaroo that Dakota told us was called a joey.  Then a face-to-face meeting with a tortoise named Peanut.  The highlight of the day was when Dakota fed the polar bears, tossing fish to Klondike and Coldilocks, with a little help from her friend, Executive Director Frank Cervone.


Thanks to One Simple Wish, Dakota will be able to go back to the Zoo as often as she wants - they gave her family a membership for a whole year.  And they didn't forget the jigsaw puzzles!


Frank Cervone give Dakota a lift.

United WayDonor Choice #535
About Us

The Support Center for Child Advocates provides legal and social services to our most vulnerable children. It is our mission to advocate for victims of child abuse and neglect in Philadelphia with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for every child.

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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103