From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: Child Advocates October Newsletter



October 2012

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Table of Contents


7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic Winners & Pictures


2012 Toy Drive


Meet The Advocate


Upcoming Events


Welcome New Staff

Who We Are


The Support Center

for Child Advocates

provides legal and social

services to our most

vulnerable children.

It is our mission to

advocate for victims of

child abuse and neglect in

Philadelphia with the goal

of securing a permanent,

nurturing environment

for every child.


united way

Donor Choice #535

In The News 


Recent Press: 

9/18 The weight of child abuse: Should a killer's horrific childhood matter in deciding his fate?


9/14 In Controversial Death Row Case, Pennsylvania Prepares to Execute Man Who Killed His Sexual Abusers


8/15  Request Refused to Toss First-Degree Charge in Khalil Wimes Case




Our Board

of Directors


Katayun Jaffari



 Katherine M. Kelton

Vice President


 Sherri Krensel



 Mark A. Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

Deborah Cohen

 Pepper Hamilton


Victoria Demo


Joe DeSimone


Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen T. Egan


Amy A. Fox


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Janie S. Mershon


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome


Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger

& Johnsrud


Audrey C. Talley


Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group




 chamber non profit













7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic



On October 1, 2012 35 Foursomes hit the links in support of Child Advocates 7th Annual Golf Classic.  With your support, we raised more than $115,000 for our Project for Medically Needy Children


The competition was fierce, but we had some standout golfers.  The 2012 Tournament Results are as follows:


Closest to the Pin: Pete McNamara, Jonathan Rinde and Bill Christine
Straightest Drive: Pail Lopolito, Geoffrey Ruch and Andy Rosa


Toomey-Flynn 1st Place Team: John Dodig, Kevin Funchion, Joseph Pinto, and Mark Tanner

Flynn-Centennial 1st Place Team: John O'Connor, Steve Dolan, Bill McDonough, and Rob Tribuiani

Centennial-Toomey 1st Place Team: Marc Gold, Jonathan Rinde, Kevin Roberts, and Gary Tiller


1st Place Gross Men: Dan Farley
1st Place Gross Women: Candice Calabro

2nd Place Gross Men: John Morganthaler

2nd Place Gross Women: Kathy Abeel


Thanks to everyone who came out and we hope you all had as much fun as we did!


Pictures from the event may be viewed here: 7th Annual Golf Classic Picture Album 





 Not everyone is looking forward to the holidays.



The only gifts some of our kids will receive

come through our Toy Drive.

At least 90% come from families who are living below the poverty line.




Coordinate a Child Advocates Toy Drive at work, among friends and family, at your child's school, or at your church or synagogue. We will send you the names and ages of children - you tell us how many - on labels that can be distributed to your donors. We suggest a minimum of 10 children. When you're done, you can deliver the toys to us or we'll make arrangements to pick them up.


Buy gifts for our children. (Birth to 21). We especially need gifts for teenagers. Gift cards are an easy way to give to this age group and our teens love them! (Ideas: CVS, Target, Wal-Mart, movie theaters, Blockbuster, Foot Locker, Bath & Body Works, sports stores, Five Below, etc.)


"Adopt" a family with special needs.


Pick up toys at various Center City and suburban locations.


Help us sort and bag toys in preparation for delivery.


Deliver toys to our kids. It's a heartwarming activity and lots of fun! Delivery Day is Saturday, December 22, 2012. Please let us know if you're available. We begin delivering gifts at 8:00am.


Together, we'll change the story.


For more information, contact and make sure to check out a video from last year! Toy Drive Video! 






Meet the Advocate: Dolores Miller


Dolores Miller has been a longtime supporter of Child Advocates.  It started 10 years ago when she drove past the Child Advocates building and thought, "I want to make a difference."  As a child abuse survivor herself, Dolores has made it her life's mission to help survivors by speaking out at various engagements and by publishing numerous books promoting healing and hope.  This year Dolores will be releasing a calendar with inspirational writings along with two new books, with net proceeds being donated to the Support Center for Child Advocates. 

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Dolores Miller is known as an author, poet, and public speaker.  She also hosts a blog talk radio show (Click Here to Visit).

Most recently Dolores has been studying to be a minister and is looking forward to reaching a larger audience through her ministry. 

Aside from spreading words of love and healing, Dolores spends time with her family, with whom she is very close.  She has a son and daughter, three brothers, one sister, four grandchildren, and has been married to her wonderful husband for 40 years.  

Dolores loves traveling and just returned from a trip to Portugal.  She is also a huge Star Trek fan and loves cheering for the Phillies, especially Ryan Howard!  She also loves the Beatles, Alfred Hitchcock, the Nutcracker, and collects angels.

In 2011, Child Advocates recognized Dolores Miller as a "Distinguished Advocate of the Year" for her longtime support of our work and our children.

She has been a huge supporter of the Child Advocates Toy Drive encouraging her friends, family and neighbors to buy toys for many of our kids, spreading the joy of the holidays!

You can buy books, the calendar, and find speaking engagement dates for Dolores, by visiting her websit



Upcoming Events!


Click the links for more information!



October 24th, 2012: "How to Handle a Child Abuse Case" Support Center for Child Advocates Volunteers Training Workshop



December 22nd, 2012: 2012 Annual Toy Drive



April 10th, 2013: 2013 Annual Benefit Reception and Auction


May 19th, 2013: 2013 Philadelphia Bar Association 5K Run/Walk










New To The Team: Megan Rok



Megan Rok joins us as the recipient of the inaugural University of Pennsylvania Law Review Public Interest Fellowship. A former educator and Teach For America alum, Megan graduated from Penn Law in 2011 and spent the past year clerking for the Honorable J. Curtis Joyner (E.D. Pa.).


At Child Advocates, Megan will focus on improving education outcomes for court-involved youth by supporting and consulting with volunteer attorneys and child advocate social workers on the array of education issues that our clients encounter, as well as directly representing clients with complex special education needs in dependency and school proceedings.

Our Appreciation


Thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. Stay connected on regular basis by checking out our social media (just click any of the buttons below!) Like us, follow us, and feel free to direct any questions or feedback to Tracy Buchholz. Thanks again for helping us change the story!

-The Child Advocates Team


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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103