From: Support Center for Child Advocates <>
Subject: Child Advocates September Newsletter



September 2012

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Table of Contents


7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic


Golf Classic Tee-Off
Meet the Advocate


Upcoming Events


New To The Team: Cate Galbally


Our Appreciation

Who We Are


The Support Center

for Child Advocates

provides legal and social

services to our most

vulnerable children.

It is our mission to

advocate for victims of

child abuse and neglect in

Philadelphia with the goal

of securing a permanent,

nurturing environment

for every child.


united way

Donor Choice #535

In The News 


Recent Press: 


8/15  Request Refused to Toss First-Degree Charge in Khalil Wimes Case


8/9  2 Beating Suspects Too Young to Charge


8/3  North Penn Foundation Awards $137,000 in Grants




Our Board

of Directors


Katayun Jaffari



 Katherine M. Kelton

Vice President


 Sherri Krensel



 Mark A. Gittelman


PNC Bank


Deborah Baird

Deborah Cohen

 Pepper Hamilton


 Jill F. Colton


Victoria Demo


Joe DeSimone


Gary Deutsch

PNC Bank


Kathleen T. Egan


Amy A. Fox


A. Nicole Friant

Duane Morris


Feige Grundman

Blank Rome


Beth Hanssens

PBS Kids Sprout


Rosemarie Hoslyn

De Lage Landen

Financial Services


Janie S. Mershon


Kathy Ochroch

Blank Rome


Edward D. Ohlbaum

Beasley School of Law, Temple University


Charles N. Persing

Bederson & Company


Jill Porter


Shannon Prown

Navigant Consulting


Elizabeth Reeves

Global Human Resources


Jane Robinson

UBS Financial Services


Suzanne Root

Attorney at Law


Matthew Siegel

Cozen O'Connor


David A. Silverman

Curley, Hessinger

& Johnsrud


Audrey C. Talley


Joe H. Tucker

Tucker Law Group


Ilene Wasserman

ICW Consulting Group




 chamber non profit











7th Annual Child Advocates Golf Classic

& Other Great Events


Golf Logo - not link

Our 2012 Child Advocates Golf Classic is quickly approaching! On October 1st, join us and our partners from Cleantech Alliance Mid-Atlantic (CAMA) for an enjoyable day of golf at Huntingdon Valley Country Club.


This year, with support from advocates like you, we hope to raise over $120,000 to help chronically ill and severely abused children through our Project for Medically Needy Children. 


golf foursome 

Register Today as a sponsor or with a foursome, or contact Cate Galballyto volunteer at the event.    

As an event partner with Child Advocates, CAMA will present a morning program, Digging Deep into Marcellus Shale. Come explore the legal, economic and environmental issues surrounding Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling. This program will provide 1.5 credit hours of Pennsylvania continuing legal education (CLE).


·         Panel of legal and business experts in land use, transactions, finance, water management, media and environmental protection. Featuring balanced professional interaction and audience dialogue.

·         Engage hypothetical fact patterns that present real-life issues, challenges and opportunities.

·         Examine business case for responsible economic development in the Marcellus Shale.


To sign up for the progam please click HERE


Golf Classic Tee-Off


On August 15th, Child Advocates held a wine and cheese kick-off event at our offices, where board members, corporate sponsors, golf comittee members, and CAMA representatives mingled. This year's Golf Classic is shaping up to be a fantastic event thanks to the support of all of these hard-working and amazing people! 

sponsors board 

Want to see your name on a golf ball? There is still time to sign up to be a sponsor.


Meet the Advocate: Tracey Thomasey



Tracey Thomasey, Director of Social Work, has been a member of the Child Advocates team since 2000. After graduating with Masters Degrees in Social Services and Law and Social Policy at Bryn Mawr College, she was drawn to Child Advocates because of her passion for helping children who have faced hardship and trauma. She later took a brief hiatus from the agency to pursue work with Best Nest, Inc., facilitating adoptions for children in need of medical attention, but found her way back to Child Advocates after three years. We are the perfect fit for her background in both law and social work.


For Tracey, there is no "average day" at work. Often days are spent in court or on home visits to clients. Other days are focused on administration-related tasks and meetings. Her cases are usually "outside of the norm," as she puts it. They are time-sensitive and more complex than typical cases. Although her work could be draining, Tracey focuses her energy on what is going right in a situation in order to make a positive impact on her clients.


One of the most rewarding parts of her job is when hesitant clients come to accept her assistance and she is able to make that special connection with the child. She loves the environment at Child Advocates and the fact that every day is a learning experience.


Outside of work she enjoys traveling, admitting that "there's no place I wouldn't go!" She also likes reading and spending time with her nephews and her dogs.



New To The Team: Cate Galbally


This month, we welcome Cate Galbally, our new Development Officer of Special Events and Corporate Relations! She comes to us from Women's Way, where she was the Manager of Special Events. Welcome Cate!


Our Appreciation


Thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. Stay connected on regular basis by checking out our social media (just click any of the buttons below!) Like us, follow us, and feel free to direct any questions or feedback to Tracy Buchholz. Thanks again for helping us change the story!

-The Child Advocates Team


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Support Center for Child Advocates | 1900 Cherry Street | Philadelphia | PA | 19103